e early age, jewelry of stones, pebbles, and some other natural objects were used but after the initiation of the metals in India, the trend of wearing gold ornaments had been developed due to the glint and the durability of the metal. This further paved the way to the introduction of gold jewelry art in India whilst popularizing it to the core.
The archeological excavation holds the account that gold jewelry art in India was prominent even in the ancient days. It had been discovered that in the long gone days the people especially women would use little clothing but they would bedeck themselves with ornaments. A naked dancing girl, alluring and bedecked with ornaments and bangles on one arm stretching from the wrist almost to her shoulder had been found in the Harappa excavation. Almost a similar art of sculpture of minimum attire and a profusion of ornaments was found through the excavation of Gandhara and Gupta period. All these indicate the presence of gold art in India even in the days of ancient rimes.
In the later years the Mughal emperors encouraged the gold jewelry art in India. The Mughal jewelries represented an incredible high standard and quality. Mughal Empire had amalgamated the Hindu and Muslim trends and made a fusion in the styles of gold jewelry art in India. The Mughal emperors by establishing "kharkhanas" and employing artisans from different sects of excellence encouraged this amazing art in India. The enameling in gold jewelries was also introduced by the Mughals. Enameling as a gold jewelry art has been well adored and is still practiced in various parts of India like Nathdwara, Jaipur, Varanasi and Kolkata. Enameling is categorized in various types as in India it is recognized as `champleve`. An alternative of enamel is known as `tbewa` which is found in Pratapgarh, Rajasthan in a small amount. After the termination of the Mughal Empire the artisans
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